I NEED HELP NOW! 041 984 8754
Messaging Service
Our messaging support service is online daily from 8pm to 12am.
It is accessible through our website during these times either via our chat icon or clicking the button below.
Please be advised that in order for us to provide the best possible service to visitors of the Online Messaging Service the last chat of the evening will be accepted at 11.45PM. If you need assistance after that time please ring the helpline.
When you message in to us you will be connected to a volunteer who will listen to you and talk to you in a non judgmental and empathetic space. They can arrange referral to one of our offices for extra support or offer help with accessing services if needed.
All of our volunteers have undergone training in crisis interventions, and work at your pace to provide support to help you manage your thoughts and emotions.
*If you are having difficulty accessing the service it may be due to cookie consent. For the messaging service it is required you accept cookies related to live chat. If you would like to change your cookie consent , you can do so here.*
What to expect when you message us
When you first message, you will be asked to consent to our privacy and confidentiality policies. There will be two optional questions:
- Where are you based?
-What is your name?
You will then be put into a virtual waiting room, where one of our volunteers will be with you as soon as they can.
If we have a lot of messages coming in, there will be an estimated wait time.
What you talk about with the volunteer is up to you.
Take your time. It takes courage to talk about how you are feeling and we understand that.
Please note anything you type in the chat box can be seen by us even before you send it. This is an automatic feature of the software that is being used, and we think it’s important that you’re aware of this before we start chatting.
This initiative has been set up as part of our Young People Matter Project, aimed at providing additional support to people aged 16-25 years old. The service is open for all people. The Messaging Support Service would not have been possible without the support of The ESB's energy for Generations fund and State Street Funding.

All Messages are confidential, but we do adhere to a Confidentiality policy for situations where you, a child or someone else is at risk.
You can view our Privacy Policy Here